Please read before beginning an account balance transfer.
Only one transfer may be made per day.
You may be limited to the number of investments selected in a single transfer request.
Make certain the reallocated investment total equals the current investment total.
Transfers from AUL's Fixed Interest Account, where the beginning of the
contract year balance was more than $2,500, may not exceed 20 percent of the value
of the beginning of the contract year balance. If you have less than $2,500 in AUL's
Fixed Interest Account at the beginning of the contract year, there are no restrictions
on transfers in or out of the investment account during the contract year.
Participants in retirement plans with a
$500 minimum transfer rule for moving amounts out of fixed interest accounts
(Fixed Interest Account and Interest Fund) will no longer have
restrictions on balances below $2,500. The
maximum transfer rule of 20 percent per year for account balances of $2,500 and
over will still apply.
For example: If you had a fixed income account with a balance of $2,300
on Jan. 1, 2003, prior to this change, you would only be able to transfer
$500 of this account during the contract year. With this change in transfer
restrictions, the entire account balance of $2,300 may be transferred without
restrictions or penalty. (Note: for those accounts with a balance of $2,500 or
more, the current rule of 20 percent per contract year remains in effect.)
For transfers received before 4 p.m. Eastern Time,
actual amounts transferred will be based on today's
account values at the close of business.
Transfers received after 4 p.m. Eastern Time will be
processed at the close of the next business day. Actual amounts transferred
will then be based on account values at the close of the next business day.
Account transfer selections will not be made unless
the transaction is submitted by selecting the "Submit" button.
The investment return and principal value of the investment
accounts will fluctuate, so that when redeemed, units may be worth
more or less than the original cost.
Your contract will specify which Account Services options are
available to you. Please contact your plan sponsor to confirm which transfer
restrictions apply to your account.
A written confirmation of your transfer request will be mailed to you.
Please call the AUL Participant Service Center during normal business hours
(8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern Time) at 1-800-249-6269 for details regarding your request.